Learn The 4 Step Formula That Created a
Top 20 iTunes Podcast, Generating $100K+
… Working Only 2 Hours A Week
Learn The 4 Step Formula That Created a Top 20 iTunes Podcast, Generating $100K+... Working Only 2 Hours A Week

You’re one episode away from changing everything…

Launch your podcast, grow your business, all in only a couple hours a week.
Launch your podcast, grow your business, all in only a couple hours a week.
This FREE workshop is PACKED with information and inspiration... enter at your own risk.
By entering your email, you’ll also get inspirational email notes from Kelsey,
which you can opt out of anytime, but you won’t want to.
The tiny but MASSIVE piece missing from most podcasts (that once you hear will change the way you look at everything)
The number one secret to getting epic guests on your podcast (spoiler alert... you’ll get 10x more yeses than you think)
The perfect podcast formula (once you have this template expect conversions and fans to skyrocket)
How to only work 2-hours per week on your podcast (and still have it grow your business and introduce you to your idols)

As Seen On:

About Your Speaker, Kelsey Murphy

Kelsey Murphy
Business Coach
Kelsey Murphy is a Business & Life Coach working with Fortune 500 companies, like Facebook & Twitter, industry thought leaders like Marie Forleo and her B-Schoolers, as well as celebrity nutritionists, coaches, and other brilliant humans creating meaningful businesses and lives.

She's been featured in places like Forbes, Business Insider, Huffington Post, LiveStrong, Living Healthy, LaurenConrad.com, and more.

When Kelsey's not coaching, you can find her hosting the top-ranked Whiskey & Work podcast giving her wise (and sometimes comical) advice on navigating the waters of business, life, and relationships. But on her other card, it might say snowboarder, eater, dreamer, and fresh-air-addict.
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podcastwithsoul.com - Kelseymurphy.com - All Rights Reserved - Terms & Conditions
Disclaimer - This presentation is entirely free and will give you actionable steps to launch & grow your podcast. Side note though… results are not guaranteed or typical -- a lot of hard work is involved (but IMHO, it’s the best thing I’ve ever done and therefore, entirely worth it). At the end of the presentation, a program will be available for enrollment that will help you crush your podcast launch and convert customers.
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